Dual Immersion (DIME)
What is Dual Immersion?
Imagine your children becoming fluent in a second language in their early years. Imagine them not only speaking, but writing, reading, and learning in that language as comfortably as they do in their first language. Imagine them being ready to learn a third language by the time they enter high school. A gift like this will open doors throughout their lifetime.
Dual Immersion, or Two Way Immersion, teaches school subjects in both English and a target language, in this case Spanish. Language learning is immersive, occurring while students learn math, social studies, and more. Students negotiate meaning further through interaction with their peers in a class made up of native speakers of both languages
More than 40 years of research consistently documents the power of immersion programs to help students attain high levels of second-language proficiency. No other type of instruction is as successful, and young children thrive in this type of instructional environment.
For English speaking students, research shows that a second language is best developed through immersion in that language (Genesee, 1985). For non-native speakers, English is best acquired when academic proficiency in their first language is firmly established (Hakuta & Gould, 1987). For both types of students, Dual Immersion is a great choice!
Children generally perform at or above their non-immersion peers on standardized tests administered in English. They become bi literate, meaning they can read, write, and communicate in both languages. Students learn from teachers and from each other, and share not only academics, but language, culture and friendship.
Dual Immersion started in the US in 1963 by Cuban citizens in Florida. What began as an English Learning program has blossomed into an enrichment program for all students, where the final outcome is biliteracy, increased opportunities, and better academic performance.
Here are some other benefits of Dual Immersion:
- Additive Bilingualism. Students gain a new language and maintain their native language.
- High Academic Achievement. Students in Dual Immersion Programs perform at or above other seventh-grade classes on standardized tests in Math, Science and Social Studies. (1996, Collier Thomas Study)
- Potential Seal of Biliteracy on High School Diploma. For more information please visit sealofbiliteracy.org
- More job opportunities in many careers.
What model do you use?
San Martin/Gwinn uses the 90/10 model, where 90% of the instructional day is in Spanish for Kindergarten, and 10% is in English. English instruction increases 10% each year until 4th grade when the children are taught 50% in each language. We chose this model because research has shown that students in the 90/10 model are more proficient in Spanish at the end of the program with no detriment to their English development. For more information, please check the Centers for Applied Linguistics website or this link
How do Spanish speakers benefit from this program? Will less exposure to English in the early grades disrupt their English learning?
In the early grades, English Language Learners (ELLs) in Dual Immersion Programs may have slower English progress than their peers in traditional programs because they spend more learning time in their first language. Studies have shown, however, that eventually ELL students in traditional programs reach a plateau in their literacy, while those in Dual Immersion easily grow past this phase thanks to their strong native language literacy (Hakuta & Gould, 1987).
How many students are selected each school year?
To maximize language learning, each class is made up of half native English speakers and half native Spanish speakers. About 60 kindergarten spots are open, 30 for each language group. DIME enrollment is based on many factors, including total school enrollment, the number of interested pupils, and other considerations. The final number will depend on the needs of the children and requirements to maintain a quality dual immersion program. We strive to include every interested student in the Dual Immersion program.
Can parents volunteer in the classroom?
Yes. Parents are encouraged to volunteer in the classroom and familiarize themselves with the target language. Please note however that there are times when only Spanish is spoken in the classrooms. There are also many other ways to volunteer, including assisting in fundraisers, Home and School club coordination, and more.
How will students be selected for the Dual Immersion program?
Families must attend a program orientation meeting and sign a parent commitment letter. Incoming kinder families follow district enrollment procedures. Students outside the SMG attendance area do not need to complete a transfer request.
The district will conduct a lottery in March for program enrollment and ensure linguistic balance. Based on lottery results, students that do not get into the program will be placed on a priority waiting list.
Is testing the same as for non-Dual Immersion students?
Yes. Program assessments are the same for both standard and Dual Immersion students.
Will two languages confuse my child or slow down their academic progress?
There is no research to indicate that this is the case. Research has consistently demonstrated that learning in two languages enhances academic growth. Dual immersion students generally attain academic achievement that is at or above their peers in English only classes.
Can siblings be in the program? Are siblings given priority enrollment?
Yes. To promote whole-family language learning, younger siblings have priority placement in DIME.
Dual Immersion Enrollment
Frequently asked enrollment questions:
Do I need to be bilingual for my child to enroll?
No. Parents do not need to be bilingual for their children to enroll and succeed in a dual immersion program. We encourage all families to give the gift of a second language to their children.
How long does the program last?
The Dual Immersion program at San Martin/Gwinn is a TK-8 program. Program research data indicates that students develop dual language proficiency in a minimum of four to six years (Lindholm-Leary, 1987, 2001). Parents who enroll their children in the Dual Immersion program are strongly encouraged to make a commitment to participate through all grades, as this will result in the best outcome for your child.
Who can enroll?
Enrollment is encouraged for students entering kindergarten, and are native speakers of either English or Spanish. In addition, bilingual children can typically enter the program in any grade, if spots are available. If you have a child you wish to enroll in a grades 2-8, please contact us for more information.
Is the district responsible for transportation?
As this is an optional program, bus service is not generally available to children outside the San Martin/Gwinn attendance area.
¿Qué es Doble Inmersión?
Imagine a sus hijos adquirir fluidez en un segundo idioma en sus primeros años. Imagínelos no solo hablándolo, pero escribiéndolo, leyéndolo, y aprendiendo con confianza en ese idioma como lo harían en su idioma primario. Imagínelo preparado a aprender un tercer idioma para cuando entre a la preparatoria. Un regalo como este le abrirá las puertas a lo largo de su vida.
Inmersión doble o inmersión recíproca, enseña las materias escolares en ambos idiomas, inglés y el lenguaje de enfoque, en este caso español. El aprendizaje del lenguaje es de inmersión, ocurre cuando los estudiantes aprenden matemáticas, estudios sociales, y más. Los estudiantes negocian más el significado a través de la interacción con sus compañeros en una clase compuesta de hablantes nativos de ambos idiomas.
Tenemos más de 40 años de investigaciones consistentemente documentadas sobre el poder de los programas de inmersión para ayudar a los estudiantes a adquirir altos niveles de dominio del segundo idioma. Ningún tipo de enseñanza es tan exitosa, y los niños prosperan en este tipo de ambiente educativo.
Para los estudiantes angloparlantes, la investigación muestra que un segundo idioma se desarrolla mejor mediante la inmersión en ese idioma (Genesee, 1985). Para los hablantes nativos de otra lengua, el inglés se adquiere mejor cuando su dominio académico está establecido firmemente en su lengua materna (Hakuta & Gould, 1987). ¡Para ambos tipos de estudiantes, la inmersión doble es una gran opción!
Los niños que participan en la doble inmersión generalmente se desempeñan a la par o por encima de sus compañeros en no inmersión en las pruebas estandarizadas en inglés. Ellos llegan a ser bilingües, lo que quiere decir que pueden leer, escribir y comunicarse en ambos idiomas. Los estudiantes aprenden de los maestros y entre ellos, y comparten no solo lo académico, pero el lenguaje, la cultura y la amistad.
La inmersión doble se inició en los EE. UU en 1963 por ciudadanos Cubanos en Florida. Lo que empezó como un programa para aprender inglés se convirtió en un programa de enriquecimiento para todos los estudiantes, donde los resultados finales es la alfabetización bilingüe, mayores oportunidades, y mejor rendimiento académico.
Estos son algunos de los beneficios de inmersión doble:
- Bilingüismo aditivo. Los estudiantes adquieren un nuevo idioma y mantienen su lengua materna.
- Alto rendimiento académico. Los estudiantes en programas de inmersión doble rinden al nivel o por encima de otros estudiantes del séptimo grado en las pruebas estandarizadas en matemáticas, ciencias y estudios sociales. (1996, Collier Thomas Study)
- Reciben diploma con sello potencial de alfabetización bilingüe de la escuela preparatoria. Visite sealofbiliteracy.org para más información
- Más oportunidades de trabajo en varias carreras.
Información del programa
¿Cuántos estudiantes son seleccionados cada año escolar?
Información de inscripción
TK/Kinder School Tours/Visitas Escolares para TK/Kinder
Tuesdays/Martes @9am
December 5th/5 de Diciembre
January 9th/9 de Enero
February 6th/6 de Febrero
March 5th/5 de Marzo
April 16th/16 de Abril
Thursdays/Jueves @12pm
December 7th/7 de Diciembre
January 11th/11 de Enero
February 1st/1 de Febrero
March 7th/7 de Marzo
April 11th/11 de Abril